sábado, 6 de junio de 2009


By Olga Lucia Restrepo Cano

Britain is made up of England capital London and Wales capital Cardiff. United Kingdom is made up of England, Scotland capital Edinburgh, Wales and Northern Ireland capital Belfast. United Kingdom is an Island. Between Ireland and Britain there is a Sea named IRISH SEA. Colombia is located in South America and it is made up of several states, every one of them beautiful and important by itself, such as Quindio capital Armenia where a live.

The official name of United Kingdom is “UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND”, in our case the official name of our Country is “REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA”.

The name Britain goes back to Roman times when they called England and Wales “Britannia”. Britain was the name made popular by the Romans when they came to the British Islands. The name Colombia came from the Latin Columbus, the last name of Cristobal Colon or Cristoforo Colombo in Italian.

Moreover, England used to be Known as Engla Land, meaning “THE LAND OF THE ANGLES”, people from Continental Germany, who began to invade Britain in the late 5th Century, along with the Saxons and Jutes. About the ancient history of Britain, they were invaded by Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Normans. The Romans came to Britain nearly 2000 years ago, today the ruins of Roman buildings, forts, roads and baths are part of their history. Saxons arrived after Romans left Britain. It was during the second half of the fifth Century. Vikings arrived about year 800; they came across the North Sea from the three countries of Scandinavia, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Colombia was invaded by Spanish people, the first one was Alonso de Ojeda, who arrived to Peninsula of Guajira at 1499. Eleven years after that the Spanish founded Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien, the first colony on American Continent. This people named Conquerors treated the aborigines very badly, they firstly subjugate them as slaves and finally they were forced to be evangelized.

Britain is a Multicultural Country because people from all cultures and ethnicities can be founded in every corner of Britain and each person in his or her own way has contributed to make Britain the place it is today. Many of the people you will see will be British people but they all look different because the people of Britain are a mixed race. In Colombia the ethnical diversity is the result of the mix among Amerindians, Spanish colonial people and afro-descendants. Among the immigrants, the biggest groups came from Arabic world, Europe and China, also Jewish and Gypsies. Immigrants from other Latin-American Countries such as Brasil, Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru and Antilles are in our territory also, although in a low number.

In Colombia the official language is THE CASTELLANO, tongues and dialects of the different ethnical groups are also officials in their territories. There are approximately 65 aborigine tongues that It have been preserved, such as WAYUU, PAEZ, GUAMBIANO and EMBERA.

In London over 250 Languages are Spoken, making the capital the most linguistically diverse city in the world, this happening because the immigration. According the 2001 census people living in London could be classified as the following list:

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76% as white
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10% Indian, Bangladeshi or Pakistani
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5% Black African
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5% Mixed races
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1% Chinese
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I want some things that are similar or different between countries:

In England... In Colombia

*Do stand in line … No always

*Do take your hat off when you go indoors (men only) … some men still do it, but in the churches always do it.

*Do say "Excuse Me" … Here is same and is important

*Do Pay as you Go … Here, depends of the people with who stay.

*Do say "Please" and "Thank you" … Here is important too

*Do cover your Mouth … here is important too for care health

*Do Shake Hands … Here is important too.

*Do say sorry … the same. That expression is important with the people.

*Do Smile … is important but not everybody do it

*Do drive on the left side of the road … here is in the right side

*Do open doors for other person … that is important, some people here do it.

I hope that have a good time reading this article and I will talk you about other countries and cultures

By Natalia Rodriguez

In England the people are polite and respect the ranks o queue.
In Colombia the people are impatient to make a queue; so, many times they don’t respect that

For the British people Avoid talking loudly in public is not good.
In Colombia, in the cost region the people talk loudly in public, that is your way of being, but in some places is bad do it, because can you bother the people.

Shouldn’t greet people with a kiss; only kiss people who are close friends and relatives.
Here, the people greet the people with a kiss when there is trustfulness,

In England use the left side of the road and Here en Colombia is the right of the road

In England or Colombia is a good manner to say "please" and "thank you". It is considered rude if you don't. You will notice in England that we say 'thank you' a lot.
I think that in Colombia, the people say too thanks in whichever moment.
Is a good manners say that, is the paper presentation of the person.

In Colombia we are so happy, and our family is important to live. But in different cities the people can be lazy or energic, depends of the region.
If we see the service costumer, we can say that is good, here we are fraternally and friendly.

British people to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. They are famous for your politeness, self-discipline and especially for your sense of humour.

British and Colombia

In the World there are many kind of culture, which is the difference between humans.
I want to talk you, difference between British people and Colombian people.